Clinton, Obama engage in bitter debate

This is good. :)

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. - Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama accused each other of repeatedly and deliberately distorting the truth for political gain Monday night in a highly personal, finger-wagging debate that ranged from the war in Iraq to Bill Clinton's role in the campaign.

Obama told the former first lady he was helping unemployed workers on the streets of Chicago when "you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart."

Moments later, Clinton said that she was fighting against misguided Republican policies "when you were practicing law and representing your contributor ... in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago."

Obama seemed particularly irritated at the former president, whom he accused in absentia of uttering a series of distortions to aid his wife's presidential effort.

"I'm here. He's not," she snapped.

"Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes," Obama countered.

Funny actually. But what gets me, is that Bill Clinton can pass a comment of anything Hillary wants to make up or distort about another candidate, and it's Bill that said it. She doesn't have to take responsibility for any or it or even defend it.


Hiliary 2020
Thats awesome.....Can't wait to see the vid.
Actually this sounds like it won't really help either of them. It can cause overall bitterness within the party.
AFA Bill is a big part of her campaign, so yes I feel she is responsible for his actions or comments to an extent.
Thats awesome.....Can't wait to see the vid.
Actually this sounds like it won't really help either of them. It can cause overall bitterness within the party.
AFA Bill is a big part of her campaign, so yes I feel she is responsible for his actions or comments to an extent.

I said from the beginning, you get both of them if you vote for her.
I was shocked at the nastiness frankly. It's interesting that this particular debate went so negative with the savagery on MLK Day and in front of a african-american audience. Clearly, Bill and Hillary took the gloves off last week and they're landing some haymakers on Obama. So Obama rolled up his sleeves and unloaded first tonight to settle some scores from last week.

Hillary gets all huffy and puffy when the *heat* gets cranked up and people begin criticizing her. I guess she thinks raising her voice and glaring at people will somehow make her points more effective?:dunno:

I have been a John Edwards fan from the getgo. He has "won" every debate so far and clearly won tonight. It probably is a meaningless victory for him because he just isn't cutting through to the people. Maybe his choice of not taking PAC money and lobbyist money means the PACs/Lobbies are ganging up to silence him?

He shifted his strategy to attack Obama tonight. Previously he tried to attack Hillary to try to knock her down. I think he has to attack Hillary because she is the worst candidate of the three and she's not likely to give him a job in her hell..focus on her and try to get it back to the "Change" debate...

"Change" was not mentioned much tonight....

I thought it was a great spectacle and I think the Replikkkans will follow suit and go savage in their next debate. The Huckster and his hatchetman, Chucky Norris, have been launching some torpedoes at McCain and Thompson lately. I'm sure they'll want to take a pound of the Huckster's flesh!!:flame::ak47::popcorn:
I was shocked at the nastiness frankly. It's interesting that this particular debate went so negative with the savagery on MLK Day and in front of a african-american audience. Clearly, Bill and Hillary took the gloves off last week and they're landing some haymakers on Obama. So Obama rolled up his sleeves and unloaded first tonight to settle some scores from last week.

Hillary gets all huffy and puffy when the *heat* gets cranked up and people begin criticizing her. I guess she thinks raising her voice and glaring at people will somehow make her points more effective?:dunno:

I have been a John Edwards fan from the getgo. He has "won" every debate so far and clearly won tonight. It probably is a meaningless victory for him because he just isn't cutting through to the people. Maybe his choice of not taking PAC money and lobbyist money means the PACs/Lobbies are ganging up to silence him?

He shifted his strategy to attack Obama tonight. Previously he tried to attack Hillary to try to knock her down. I think he has to attack Hillary because she is the worst candidate of the three and she's not likely to give him a job in her hell..focus on her and try to get it back to the "Change" debate...

"Change" was not mentioned much tonight....

I thought it was a great spectacle and I think the Replikkkans will follow suit and go savage in their next debate. The Huckster and his hatchetman, Chucky Norris, have been launching some torpedoes at McCain and Thompson lately. I'm sure they'll want to take a pound of the Huckster's flesh!!:flame::ak47::popcorn:

Like I said, this is politics in the US. It's an outrage that people who want to be President act like such low life shitheads. Spoiled brats is maybe a better word. Just keep on smiling, sell those low mileage flood damaged cars to everyone that will buy one. I don't like or trust any of them, and think by nature you get liars, thiefs and self serving garbage like this bunch. Honest people with integrity don't want the job. And yes, look at this bunch in there now since 2000 and all the damage they did getting off their egos and lining their pockets. :eek:
It sure makes for interesting television....with the damn writers strike going on...this debate was the most compelling television I could find!

What angers me about Hillary is that she can send Bill out there to fire the cannons at whoever needs to be mowed down...and he can hide behind his ex-pres credential and she can "distance herself from her spouse/advocate"...
It sure makes for interesting television....with the damn writers strike going on...this debate was the most compelling television I could find!

What angers me about Hillary is that she can send Bill out there to fire the cannons at whoever needs to be mowed down...and he can hide behind his ex-pres credential and she can "distance herself from her spouse/advocate"...

I was wondering why people were actually reading my posts for a change.

Because of the writer's strike! Duhh! :jester:


Hiliary 2020
Wow, now thats entertainment. Notice how he addresses her as Hillary and not Senator Clinton? That ain't right.
After watching that I feel Edwards was the big winner tonight.
Thanks AFA,YMIhere

dick van cock

Closed Account
It was great fun to watch! I was sleepy but the Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf-brawl kept me happily awake.

DER SPIEGEL (and me) thinks that Hillary has won the debate:

Obama is down, but he's not out. At the moment, the similarities with Jesse Jackson, the black civil rights activist who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination twice in the 1980s, are greater than with former President John F. Kennedy. Jackson even managed to win 11 primaries in 1988.,1518,530129,00.html
I watched part of it and turned it "off".

Obama was "shaking" and had to defend himself attack from Clinton.

Obama was disappointed when they were arguing about "universal health care". I was lost and can't understand what is the policy of Obama stood on "universal health care" and how it is differed from Clinton.

Ms. Clinton stood firm and showed her colour even under attack and countered attack using very nasty shit against Obama last night.

I was shocked the former first "LADY" can be very nasty in the debate.


What a show !
I watched part of it and turned it "off".

Obama was "shaking" and had to defend himself attack from Clinton.

Obama was disappointed when they were arguing about "universal health care". I was lost and can't understand what is the policy of Obama stood on "universal health care" and how it is differed from Clinton.

Ms. Clinton stood firm and showed her colour even under attack and countered attack using very nasty shit against Obama last night.

I was shocked the former first "LADY" can be very nasty in the debate.


What a show !

I'm not shocked. I think she's always been like that.

just watched part of the replay.
that was good :)

From what I could tell, she addressed him as Barrack before he started addressing her as Hillary.

I heard her call him Barack first. ABC news showed one of those what Bill Clinton said Obama said things, from that and in clips I saw his words were clearly distorted. He's actually standing up to two professional boxers, Bill and Hillary and is holding his own IMO.
i thought the oddest exchange actually came from edwards turning on obama and really trying to pin him down on his so called "present" non votes . i had grown used to watching edwards seem to side with obama at debates and it seemd as if he was not going to drop the issue last night .


Is somewhere outhere.
Here's one thing they may all have in common though :D

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Im not an American and therefor a cannot vote, so i have no business in this thread but there is something that makes me really disslike Hilary Clinton, i dont know why, maybe the fact that shes using her husbands presidency to get ahead. Just like Paris Hilton uses her families wealth to get ahead.

But who cares what i think. :hatsoff:
She is using his gift for talk. He is charismatic, and interesting, and people tend to like him. She is always on the defense, not a lot of original thought and appears bitter and angry at times. She also includes her daughter in a lot of this via reference to try to show they are a happy emotionally stable family.


Hiliary 2020
Final post for me on this. The way I see it is that this is just another Clinton strategy.
Here you got Obama doing very very well in the pollls, even ahead in many states,something the Clinton people didn't anticipate.
He comes across a nice, level headed, even keeled and positive thinking man.
So Clinton comes after him directly, accuses him of things that he has no choice but to defend. It forced out a side of Obama we don't often see
The term slumlord she used was something planned way ahead of time.

Basically she dragged him into the mud with her. It worked.
It was a trade off. He sees her as privledged which implies she isn't available to common people and as a Dem that can be difficult. But the same applies to Edwards also. Bobby and John Kennedy were very popular in their Presidential runs, and of course also were very privledged.

Obama wants to be distance from Hillary because of this, and therefore get the votes of minority, and poor voters.

I think it was Hillary that Obama said was doing negative ads now that he was catching up. I think the diversion of Bill picking fights with him is notable, and can work out either way. I think it clearly shows how sneaky she is to allow it. Edwards hopes people will tire of it, and probably will get some votes from the conflict.